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International summits drive UK government wine cellar consumption up 15% in a year

Published:  22 July, 2015

Consumption of wine from the government wine cellar rose by 15% in 2014/15, according to the latest annual statement on its use.

The report says the increase was due to "the significant number of major international conferences and meetings", including a NATO summit.

Purchases were up from £50,054 in 2013/14 to £70,432 in the year under review, though income from stock sold also rose, from £56,000 to £71,050.

The highest consumption level by volume was for England and Welsh wine, at 44% of the total, a fall from 48% the previous year.

Foreign office minister Tobias Elwood said: "The wine cellar has been self-funding since 2011/12, through the sale of some high-value stock and payments made by other government departments for events organised by Government Hospitality."
