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Arc Inspirations secures financial backing for expansion

Published:  31 January, 2022

Leading bar and restaurant operator Arc Inspirations has signed an agreement with HSBC to borrow £5m, allowing the company to fulfil its plans for expansion and growth.


31 Days of German Riesling winners bring ingenuity to the fore

Published:  09 September, 2020

This year’s winners of the annual 31 Days of German Riesling competition has put a spotlight on just how much businesses have adapted during the pandemic, using often imaginative ways to bring German Riesling to a wider audience.


Co-op reports record growth as market share soars

Published:  27 July, 2020

The Co-Op has reported record sales over the past quarter, with the fastest share growth in the grocery retail industry for the 12 weeks to 14 June (Kantar). Sales are up 29.1%, bringing their market share to 7.4% – their highest since 2001.