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Learn more about Aussie wines

Published:  17 November, 2011

The trade is being offered the chance to find out more about Australian wine from leading wine writers and educators in Wine Australia's new one day wine school running later this month.


The trade is being offered the chance to find out more about Australian wine from leading wine writers and educators in Wine Australia's new one day wine school running later this month.

The course will take place in London on November 28 and 29 and in Bristol on December 2.

The wine school is designed to provide an understanding of the breadth and depth of wines coming out of Australia today. It will include tutored talks and tastings led by wine writers and show judges Tim Atkin MW and Nick Stock. Andrew Jefford will lead a guest spot on Terroir.

The programme comprises of a morning of theory exploring Australia's history, geology and industry influencers, followed by an afternoon of extensive tasting by regions and varietals.

It will cost £65 per participant and includes an optional online exam for the chance to win a trip to Australia next April.

A limited number of complementary places are available (excluding the exam) for trade, press and educators who are not able to get company funding for training.

To register visit the WSET course page on its website.
