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This Week: Snake Vodka, Sarkozy questions the wine list and Guinness' new ad is mimicked elsewhere

Published:  18 January, 2007

Lots to talk about this week in Harpers' YouTube and quirkies round-up

Well, what a week. It may have been cut wonderfully short by the bank holiday weekend but there were a couple of cracking news stories crammed into those four days.

First off is the tale (or should that be tail) of a Texan man who has created the slippery proposition of snake vodka.

There was also news this week that President Sarkozy wanted to vet none other than Her Royal Majesty's wine list before his state visit.

What Else? A nice little video here of when Matt Skinner met Gordon Ramsay and more footage of the Pot Noodle's take on the recent inspired ad campaign from Guinness.

And Finally A 'novel' way to drink wine and diet at the same time. Ingenious
