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The Drinks Trust calls on industry to have its say in annual survey

Published:  06 February, 2023

The Drinks Trust has released its annual industry survey to help better understand the needs of the drinks and hospitality industry.

The past few months have proved particularly challenging for employees in the industry, which has been blighted by the cost of living crisis, taking a toll on the welfare of businesses and individuals alike. 

Beneficiaries of The Drinks Trust have been, and continue to be, amongst those most at risk from the ongoing financial crisis. In 2022, the non-profit organisation helped over 4,500 colleagues facing hardship.

The results of the survey will aim to improve the services and support supplied by The Drinks Trust as well as businesses in the drinks hospitality trade. The survey comprises sections covering employees' work life and well-being and takes approximately five minutes to complete.

The Drinks Trust CEO Ross Carter said: “The Drinks Trust is committed to further understanding the needs of the people within our industry, and as a result, provide the support and services that make a difference. We are therefore asking drinks hospitality organisations, businesses and professionals to share our survey internally with their teams, and with industry colleagues, so we can have a comprehensive understanding of the services needed to make a difference in our industry.”

Andy Romero-Birkbeck, founder and director of We Are Wellbeing, added: “The annual Drinks Industry Wellbeing Survey provides us with a valuable insight into the needs, concerns and views of those working in hospitality. The data we receive allows us to improve the level of support provided by The Drinks Trust and partners like We Are Wellbeing.”

Jo Taylorson from Kingsland Drinks Group commented: “Building a better drinks industry starts with identifying what can be done to improve in all areas, and then swiftly getting behind initiatives that benefit people on a personal and professional level. This survey is an opportunity for everyone in the drinks industry to affect change. By sharing your feedback, you’ll be helping to take the UK drinks community to the next level.”

Becky Davies from Ten Locks added: “It’s increasingly the case that hospitality has become a career versus a stop gap; I’ve confidence that those who stay the course and get among what it can offer will undoubtedly be the stars we watch truly succeed in the years ahead. Sharing your opinion now will help to ensure that everyone in the industry has access to what they need to thrive in the long term.”

The survey will run from 6 February 2023 until mid-March. The participants’ answers are completely confidential, and by finishing the survey respondents can also win various drinks prizes. To take part in the industry survey click here.

The 2023 The Drinks Trust annual survey is backed by Kingsland Drinks Group and drinks firm Ten Locks.
