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Objectives and how you can get involved

Published:  03 May, 2010

To help give independent merchants the valuable advice and support they need to help grow their businesses through a combination of practical online support, live seminars and conferences, networking events, tastings, debates and articles in Harpers Wine & Spirit.


Facebook tips for Top Merchants

Published:  03 May, 2010

Facebook tips for wine merchants


Winning retailers lined up for first Top Merchants day

Published:  25 January, 2010

Corks Out, Arthur Rackham and Oxford Wine Company will be three of the keynote speakers at the first Top Merchants business day being held by Harpers Wine & Spirit and sponsors GIV at the Malmaison hotel in Birmingham on February 8.


Top Merchants 2011

Published:  10 November, 2009

To help bring independent merchants together and offer them the advice and support they need to move their businesses forward in these challenging times Harpers Wine & Spirit, is introducing the Top Merchants initiative. Here's how you could get involved.